21.   Governors, after all, typically plaster their names all over road signs and rebate checks and play leading roles in television commercials promoting tourism and recreation.

22.   He wants you to stimulate the economy and get it moving again by spending your rebate check.

23.   He reached a settlement with CyberRebate in August in which the company promised to speed up delivery of rebate checks.

24.   Hoping to boost the sagging economy, President Bush wants taxpayers to spend their tax rebate checks.

25.   However, not everyone will receive a rebate check.

26.   Instead, Congress gave taxpayers the benefit of the cut in the form of a rebate check sent out last summer.

27.   It could mail out one-time rebate checks.

28.   Last month they criticized the administration for what they described as political promotion in the letters alerting taxpayers that the rebate checks would be mailed out this summer.

29.   Looking to see what impact tax rebate checks had and what the back-to-school season may portend for holiday sales.

30.   Mrs. Whitman said she did not think future lawmakers and governors would consider eliminating the rebate checks.

n. + check >>共 498
background 28.18%
security 9.25%
reality 3.98%
identity 3.64%
safety 3.34%
welfare 2.60%
rebate 1.98%
border 1.47%
refund 1.45%
credit 1.34%
rebate + n. >>共 56
check 33.73%
program 16.08%
offer 5.88%
plan 3.92%
system 3.14%
form 2.35%
amount 1.96%
coupon 1.96%
payment 1.96%
card 1.57%
每页显示:    共 85