21.   The XFL, whose television ratings have plummeted to record lows, also announced new rules changes.

22.   Ratings plummeted in late January after Koizumi sacked popular foreign minister Makiko Tanaka over a feud with a veteran LDP politician.

23.   Sharon has come under unprecedented pressure over his handling of security issues, and his poll ratings have plummeted as he appeared to be running out of solutions.

n. + plummet >>共 225
price 15.27%
stock 10.82%
sale 5.37%
popularity 4.78%
share 2.68%
market 2.52%
temperature 2.43%
value 2.43%
rate 2.18%
future 2.18%
rating 1.93%
rating + v. >>共 263
be 34.85%
fall 2.74%
soar 2.54%
go 2.21%
mean 2.15%
drop 2.02%
remain 1.89%
make 1.82%
rise 1.63%
reflect 1.63%
plummet 1.50%
每页显示:    共 23