21.   While voters rate him higher on character, integrity and trust than they rate Clinton, they still prefer Clinton because they prefer his stands on the issues.

22.   Bush was rated slightly higher than Gore on the question of leadership.

23.   Developed at Michigan State University and the Michigan Department of Education through research aimed at how students learn, the units rated much higher than the textbooks.

24.   Gabon are rated higher than either Zaire or Liberia in the latest FIFA classification.

v. + higher >>共 30
push 40.32%
drive 16.17%
send 9.38%
pull 7.98%
rate 4.79%
force 3.39%
set 3.39%
make 1.60%
score 1.60%
shoot 1.60%
rate + a. >>共 84
higher 15.09%
high 8.18%
doubtful 3.14%
average 3.14%
highest 3.14%
lower 2.52%
acceptable 1.89%
attractive 1.89%
better 1.89%
e 1.89%
每页显示:    共 24