21.   The prosecution claims Sole and Acres International used a Lesotho civil engineer and his wife, now deceased, as intermediaries to deposit the money into his account.

n. + claim >>共 835
government 4.88%
compensation 3.24%
unemployment 3.22%
land 3.19%
rebel 3.14%
damage 2.49%
opposition 2.44%
health 2.14%
defense 2.09%
asylum 1.69%
prosecution 0.56%
prosecution + n. >>共 164
witness 32.76%
team 7.58%
case 6.48%
lawyer 4.30%
request 4.23%
evidence 3.69%
official 3.41%
source 2.66%
expert 1.64%
claim 1.43%
每页显示:    共 21