21.   Then last month the difficult selection of a new director prompted the resignation of Donnelly and three other board members.

22.   Opposition politicians say the resignations were prompted by a new law that sharply cuts the powers of a key judicial body, the National Council of Magistrates.

23.   An Israeli inquiry found Sharon indirectly responsible, prompting his resignation.

24.   An Israeli inquiry into the massacre found Sharon indirectly responsible, prompting his resignation.

25.   Arab League Secretary-General Esmat Abdel-Meguid agreed the resignation was prompted by the Palestinian uprising, saying it reflects a profound political crisis in Israel.

26.   But he denied that his illness prompted his resignation.

27.   However, outgoing Interior Minister Natheer Rasheed indirectly admitted that the resignation was prompted by discontent with government policy and the water scandal.

28.   Israeli inquiries into the massacre found Sharon indirectly responsible, prompting his resignation from the defense minister post.

29.   Israeli inquiries into the massacre found Sharon indirectly responsible, prompting his resignation as defense minister.

30.   Last week, second to bottom Motherwell was put up for sale, prompting the resignation of its coach and chief executive.

v. + resignation >>共 177
announce 18.14%
accept 16.38%
demand 11.22%
submit 9.72%
tender 7.63%
offer 4.83%
follow 4.65%
force 3.95%
withdraw 2.00%
prompt 1.44%
prompt + n. >>共 1034
speculation 4.39%
concern 4.07%
call 2.89%
protest 2.88%
criticism 2.08%
authority 1.97%
fear 1.84%
investigation 1.57%
change 1.53%
decision 1.44%
resignation 0.90%
每页显示:    共 49