21.   That prompted foreign outrage, followed by international attempts at mediation.

22.   That verdict prompted outrage in Italy and around the world.

23.   That prompted outrage in Kosovo and abroad, and international attempts at mediation.

24.   The brochure, mailed by the National Republican Congressional Committee to thousands of homes in a congressional district in California, has prompted outrage from Democrats.

25.   The case has prompted outrage on the southern Japanese island and led to renewed demands for American troops to go home.

26.   The case prompted outrage in Egypt and was extensively covered in Egyptian opposition newspapers.

27.   The continuing bloodshed has prompted international outrage.

28.   The executions prompted international outrage against Abacha and limited sanctions by some western governments.

29.   The outgoing governor has commuted the sentences of five convicted murderers, prompting outrage from law enforcement officials and residents of this U.S. territory.

30.   The outgoing governor has commuted the sentences of five convicted murderers, prompting outrage Thursday from law enforcement officials and residents of this U.S. territory.

v. + outrage >>共 160
express 29.23%
spark 13.48%
provoke 9.88%
cause 8.79%
voice 3.35%
trigger 3.18%
prompt 3.18%
stir 1.51%
draw 1.42%
follow 1.34%
prompt + n. >>共 1034
speculation 4.39%
concern 4.07%
call 2.89%
protest 2.88%
criticism 2.08%
authority 1.97%
fear 1.84%
investigation 1.57%
change 1.53%
decision 1.44%
outrage 0.70%
每页显示:    共 38