21.   We will also encourage exchanges of people and promote cooperation in cultural, social and industrial areas.

22.   What is new and dangerous in the current configuration of the region is that Saddam has been promoting cooperation with both of his old antagonists.

23.   Pickering said the act generally has worked well and promoted greater cooperation between scientists and tribes.

24.   Primakov urged Western nations not to exclude Russia from other efforts to promote European cooperation encompassing old Soviet-bloc nations.

25.   -- Russian Defense Minister Pavel Grachev will visit China and South Korea in May to sign accords on promoting military cooperation, Itar-Tass News Agency reported.

26.   A delegation of Iraqi businessmen on Monday began talks in Beirut on promoting trade cooperation with Lebanon despite their lack of diplomatic relations.

27.   A U.S. official, who briefed reporters on condition of anonymity, said the two leaders had discussed ways to promote energy cooperation.

28.   Also Monday in Honolulu, Hawaii, air force officials from the two countries began a weeklong conference to promote military cooperation.

29.   As a means of promoting regional cooperation, the survey said countries can consider establishing a regional stock market.

30.   As yet, there is no organization promoting cooperation, he pointed out.

v. + cooperation >>共 403
discuss 9.26%
increase 4.83%
promote 3.94%
strengthen 3.72%
resume 3.72%
boost 3.53%
improve 3.31%
seek 3.15%
pledge 3.12%
expand 2.35%
promote + n. >>共 889
growth 2.23%
product 1.75%
use 1.71%
investment 1.66%
development 1.63%
cooperation 1.63%
peace 1.60%
idea 1.49%
tourism 1.38%
democracy 1.37%
每页显示:    共 172