21.   Justice Clarence Thomas, who wrote the dissenting opinion, said there is nothing in the Constitution that prohibits states from setting requirements for those who represent them.

22.   Last January, a federal law took effect prohibiting states from taxing pension income of nonresidents.

23.   Should the movement succeed there, the measure before Congress effectively would prohibit other states from recognizing such marriages obtained in Hawaii.

24.   Since states are prohibited from running deficits, they must either raise taxes or cut spending.

25.   States are prohibited from taxing most of the retirement income of former residents.

26.   The bill prohibits states from imposing rate, route or service regulations on trucking companies operating within their borders.

27.   The Constitution specifically prohibits states from entering into treaties without congressional consent.

28.   The congressman, who said he generally opposes doctor-assisted suicide, said his measure would not prohibit states from implementing assisted suicide laws.

29.   The Dole bill effectively would prohibit other states from recognizing marriages obtained in Hawaii between people of the same sex should Hawaii permit such unions.

30.   The court is expected to rule in June on whether a federal ban on the drug prohibits states from allowing its use for treating the seriously ill.

v. + state >>共 967
declare 11.37%
leave 2.63%
sue 2.30%
represent 2.03%
establish 1.60%
impose 1.51%
include 1.42%
visit 1.35%
say 1.26%
win 1.10%
prohibit 0.68%
prohibit + n. >>共 1034
use 5.14%
discrimination 3.50%
company 3.16%
sale 2.66%
official 1.66%
member 1.43%
employee 1.18%
government 1.18%
state 1.05%
people 1.02%
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