21.   Supporters of emissions credit trading counter that a similar U.S. program for sulfur dioxide succeeded in reducing acid rain faster and more cheaply than anticipated.

22.   That probably will determine whether the program succeeds or fails.

23.   That way, Britain could sit back and see if the single-currency program succeeds.

24.   The administration is incredibly committed to making the program succeed.

25.   The program succeeded above all because health care coverage under both Medicaid and Medicare was imaginatively grafted onto job-training and job search assistance.

26.   The program largely succeeded, but a couple of dozen people, like Miss Vierck, simply refused to budge.

27.   There are a lot of people that really care about football who want this program to succeed.

28.   To prevent such outcomes, Washington needs to work hard with other donors to make reconstruction and aid programs succeed in Afghanistan.

29.   Whether these programs actually succeed in the long term in increasing the number of public-service lawyers, doctors or teachers remains a point of debate.

30.   Along with his staying away from politics, one reason the program succeeds is the absence of competition.

n. + succeed >>共 845
effort 3.18%
company 2.68%
government 2.37%
talk 2.02%
team 1.55%
program 1.51%
bid 1.44%
strategy 1.44%
campaign 1.40%
plan 1.16%
program + v. >>共 667
be 24.79%
have 4.23%
include 2.76%
help 2.03%
provide 1.85%
allow 1.69%
work 1.54%
begin 1.46%
offer 1.44%
run 1.07%
succeed 0.28%
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