21.   Companies take over fields under operating contracts, typically then pumping gas or water underground to increase pressure, boosting production levels.

22.   Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham is now in Moscow doing his best to encourage high production levels.

23.   Earlier agreements to set prices directly had failed, as production levels continued to exceed customer demand, forcing prices down.

24.   For the last three years, refineries have been running at top production levels.

25.   He expects production levels will rise soon.

26.   He added that OPEC may have to hold another meeting before June to reassess production levels and quota compliance.

27.   He pointed out that production levels in Japan are improving as domestic car sales recover.

28.   If market conditions allow, Drummond plans to increase production levels to match that mine, called El Cerrejon.

29.   Inland said its largest blast furnace, which smelts iron to make molten steel, posted record production levels in the quarter.

30.   Johnson Controls believes that at higher production levels, the price will rival containers from new materials.

n. + level >>共 1503
cholesterol 2.82%
income 2.35%
price 1.98%
grade 1.80%
skill 1.66%
comfort 1.50%
production 1.46%
pollution 1.43%
blood 1.41%
radiation 1.39%
production + n. >>共 627
cost 10.53%
company 7.18%
capacity 4.18%
facility 3.94%
cut 2.97%
process 2.91%
figure 2.44%
level 2.07%
quota 1.88%
value 1.82%
每页显示:    共 145