21.   In its native, deadly form, the botulism bacterium produces a protein that prevents nerves from ordering the muscles to contract.

22.   It no longer produces the protein it was designed to.

23.   It turns out that the way mammals produce milk proteins and spiders make silk proteins are broadly similar.

24.   It works through the infusion of manufactured DNA, which inactivates the molecules that produce proteins linked to cancer.

25.   Like many animals, including humans, mosquitoes produce the protein to ward off invasion by bacteria.

26.   Much closer at hand is immunotherapeutics, or the use of gene therapy to produce proteins that work like sophisticated vaccines.

27.   Normal prion protein is produced by a gene that is widely found in nature.

28.   New proteins are produced as cells involved in the memory make stronger bonds with one another.

29.   One of the treatments under study is gene therapy to produce a protein called vegF, for vascular endothelial growth factor.

30.   One drug is gene therapy to produce a protein called vegF, for vascular endothelial growth factor.

v. + protein >>共 229
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contain 4.93%
use 2.83%
identify 2.71%
find 1.97%
block 1.97%
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eat 1.48%
add 1.35%
produce + n. >>共 1722
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evidence 1.86%
weapon 1.01%
agreement 0.93%
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