21.   This process not only involved the careful and prolonged consideration of elected councillors, but also detailed submissions from community councils and feedback from public meetings.

22.   The important point is that the two-stage sampling process involves a sample of the primaries from each member of which is taken a sample of secondaries.

23.   The process involves placing resin-impregnated cloth over a single mould tool.

24.   Based on what they have said, that process will involve some traditional routes.

25.   But nations aspiring to hold the places begin campaigns early, sometimes years in advance, because the process often involves extensive political horsetrading.

26.   But the process sometimes involves far less technology than it appears.

27.   But the process involved painful scraping of the wart and applications of acid to dissolve it.

28.   Eighteen years ago, California reinstated capital punishment and with it the long and costly legal process involved in executing a criminal.

29.   For ambitious and complex projects, that process can involve a great deal of time and demand highly skilled programmers.

30.   For many, the decision-making process involved a painful weighing of many issues rather than a sudden epiphany.

n. + involve >>共 1669
case 6.64%
project 1.64%
plan 1.47%
deal 1.33%
incident 1.33%
process 1.24%
issue 1.15%
dispute 1.09%
change 1.01%
problem 0.98%
process + v. >>共 618
be 32.44%
take 10.16%
begin 5.00%
go 2.68%
continue 2.47%
work 2.03%
involve 1.58%
have 1.44%
start 1.33%
require 1.20%
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