21.   Achterberg believes the gift-giving process itself had an effect on the recipients.

22.   After striving for centuries to help their own fit in with the rest of America, many Jewish leaders worry now that the process has been taken too far.

23.   But at numerous Duane Reade pharmacies in Manhattan, the process had yet to begin, and customers browsed the cold medicine aisles as usual.

24.   But if the peace process does have an inevitable momentum, as many observers say, that was hard to see Monday amid the raging street battles.

25.   But researchers also suspected the process has a number of orthopedic applications as well.

26.   But the extradition process has many levels of appeals and could take months, Holman said.

27.   But the long process had a sudden turnaround, as if the struggles forced the Spurs to take stock and discover the potential that was going unfulfilled.

28.   But such a process has its own problems.

29.   But the peace process has to continue.

30.   But, above all, the certification process has had no impact on improving international cooperation.

n. + have >>共 1318
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process + v. >>共 618
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