21.   A COMPANY has been formed to run two sawmills which have been bought out by management from the previous owners.

22.   Q. Is there any comeback in law is a horse reveals faults which were not declared by the previous owner at the time of the sale?

23.   AltaVista, located at www.altavis-ta.com, was something of a poor stepchild under its previous owner, Digital.

24.   An adobe, built by previous owner Vincente de la Osa, served as a roadhouse on the old El Camino Real.

25.   And it violated privacy rights by requiring a refurbished mattress label to list the name and address of the previous owner.

26.   And should the current owner of a property be liable for a cleanup even though the previous owners were responsible for the contamination?

27.   Apparently the previous owners stored spices in it, and a lot of the spices spilled.

28.   Any previous owner of the Mariners would not have been believed.

29.   At a recent gathering of investment-world friends at the estate, Lynch invited the previous owners to the dinner table.

30.   Bidders are supposed to return personal effects to the previous owner, but that rarely happens.

a. + owner >>共 912
new 18.61%
former 5.61%
pet 4.78%
previous 3.05%
original 2.69%
building 2.60%
current 2.44%
rightful 2.42%
private 2.30%
principal 2.09%
previous + n. >>共 916
year 6.07%
government 4.20%
day 3.98%
game 2.56%
attempt 1.60%
study 1.58%
season 1.40%
week 1.29%
month 1.26%
night 1.23%
owner 0.72%
每页显示:    共 174