21.   As the pressures increase, journalists, both individually and organizationally, have little time to think, let alone be thoughtful.

22.   At the same time, another report indicated that wage pressures were increasing.

23.   Bonds get a boost from bad economic news because as economic growth slows, deflationary pressures increase.

24.   But analysts say the pressures are increasing.

25.   But as the pressures on him increase, so does his anti-social behavior.

26.   But the pressure is increasing.

27.   CRASH, a safety advocacy group, is concerned that promises of harmonization to American standards made before the passage of NAFTA may be forgotten as trade pressures increase.

28.   Election pressure has also increased the influence of the GOP moderates normally given leftovers and hand-me-downs.

29.   Even before President Bush put his stamp of approval on quantifying accountability, kindergartens nationwide have felt pressure to increase academics.

30.   Gerstner also said there are signs that demand may be slowing and price pressures increasing in the U.S.

n. + increase >>共 1887
price 2.63%
company 2.41%
government 2.38%
rate 2.26%
number 2.05%
sale 1.73%
cloud 1.27%
cost 1.23%
pressure 1.22%
tension 1.22%
pressure + v. >>共 583
be 31.94%
mount 5.28%
build 4.19%
come 2.96%
grow 2.27%
continue 2.24%
increase 1.95%
force 1.87%
remain 1.67%
make 1.33%
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