21.   Meanwhile, Pakistan continues to press hard for international mediation, something India flatly opposes.

22.   Milosevic, who is trying to get crippling sanctions on Yugoslavia lifted, pressed hard for the release.

23.   The powerful subtext is that religious conservatives could provoke a social upheaval if they press too hard with jailings and edicts.

24.   The powerful subtext is that religious conservatives could provoke a social upheaval if they press too hard with detentions and edicts.

v. + hard >>共 30
find 46.13%
make 41.87%
push 5.41%
keep 1.39%
press 1.19%
strike 0.64%
drive 0.55%
think 0.50%
pull 0.40%
get 0.25%
press + a. >>共 30
hard 25.26%
close 8.42%
ahead 7.37%
in 7.37%
closer 6.32%
down 4.21%
flat 4.21%
deeper 3.16%
harder 3.16%
right 3.16%
每页显示:    共 24