21.   Like the Makah whalers before him, McCarty prepares by purifying himself in frigid streams such as the Waatch River.

22.   Most people prepare by spending money.

23.   Ms. Melamed prepared by watching videos of performances by Leslie Browne and by long discussions with Sallie Wilson, a Tudor expert who danced the role earlier.

24.   Prepared by the sponsoring brokerage and Money magazine.

25.   Race organizers are preparing themselves by making rules for boaters who may not have adequate experience in racing such fast boats.

26.   Researchers from the University of Seattle found that patients who ate leaner fish, typically prepared by frying, did not enjoy the same heart-health benefits.

27.   She often harvests the vegetables and prepares them by frying mustard seeds in a little oil, then adding the vegetables, water and spices.

28.   So we are helping prepare them by offering them leadership opportunities today.

29.   Swanbeck had prepared by producing and editing a short film that was directed by his wife and longtime collaborator, Nancy Scanlon.

30.   The company prepared by walking freely to rehearsals, hotels, restaurants and theaters in the European cities.

v. + by >>共 1204
direct 1.69%
be 1.60%
speak 1.28%
begin 1.28%
win 1.21%
write 1.19%
judge 1.07%
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produce 1.01%
do 0.98%
prepare 0.08%
prepare + p. >>共 48
in 20.92%
to 12.70%
with 12.58%
by 7.35%
on 6.60%
at 5.98%
than 5.60%
as 4.73%
against 4.36%
from 3.36%
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