21.   He may disagree with the direction the team is taking or have a preconceived notion of what the proper solution is.

22.   He looked at the text as if it were a piece of theater, without any preconceived notions.

23.   He grappled with difficult issues without being blinded by preconceived notions or being confined by an ideological straitjacket.

24.   I had no preconceived notions.

25.   Homeowners not only fall victim to the offerings at the local nursery but also have a preconceived notion of where things should go.

26.   I met Guzman a few days ago, and although I had my preconceived notions of him, they were nowhere near what I saw.

27.   If you absolutely must have some preconceived notions about dealings with your new supervisor, try to put them in a positive context.

28.   It was also an effort that began almost accidentally, without any preconceived political notions or agendas, he said.

29.   Misconceptions, preconceived notions about outplacement firms and unfamiliarity with the downsizing phenomenon are partly to blame, according to career experts.

30.   Most directors see the filmmaking process as the fulfillment of their preconceived notions.

a. + notion >>共 563
very 5.57%
whole 4.74%
popular 3.46%
preconceived 3.33%
traditional 2.88%
romantic 2.88%
old 2.43%
vague 1.86%
such 1.79%
quaint 1.41%
preconceived + n. >>共 13
notion 59.09%
idea 25.00%
expectation 3.41%
conclusion 2.27%
agendum 1.14%
baggage 1.14%
explanation 1.14%
form 1.14%
mold 1.14%
opinion 1.14%
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