21.   The union has tried to salvage their jobs both in talks with the league presidents and through unfair labor practice charges filed with the National Labor Relations Board.

22.   The union had been expected to be first with unfair labor practice charges stemming from their stalled negotiations with the clubs.

23.   The union plans to file unfair labor practice charges against baseball with the National Labor Relations Board next week.

24.   The umpires union, led by embattled Richie Phillips, may file an unfair labor practices charge today.

25.   Those alterations, the elimination of salary arbitration, for example, prompted the union to file a second unfair labor practice charge with the National Labor Relations Board.

26.   WashTech is contemplating filing an unfair labor practice charge with the National Labor Relations Board.

27.   When an unfair labor practice charge is filed, the board investigates and determines if the charge has merit.

28.   Woods has since filed an unfair labor practice charge with the National Labor Relations Board against the union.

29.   Owners also filed an unfair labor practice charge against the union Tuesday, claiming players refused to bargain in good faith.

30.   Players filed another unfair labor practice charge with the National Labor Relations Board.

n. + charge >>共 510
murder 10.98%
corruption 7.28%
drug 5.51%
fraud 4.39%
misdemeanor 3.59%
felony 3.19%
assault 2.69%
weapon 2.15%
bribery 1.99%
conspiracy 1.89%
practice 0.42%
practice + n. >>共 499
session 12.97%
squad 11.95%
field 10.33%
time 5.21%
round 4.08%
facility 3.95%
range 3.10%
run 2.87%
court 1.77%
charge 1.44%
每页显示:    共 56