21.   Powell said the new policy also prohibits a practice by some police officers of following suspect cars at high speeds without their lights and sirens.

22.   School district policy prohibits political activity by staff members during school hours and on school property.

23.   State policy prohibits using the cards for personal use and employees who do could be prosecuted.

24.   The airport policy had prohibited smoking in all public areas and allowed it only in posted areas outside of each terminal.

25.   The early retirement policy had specifically prohibited such arrangements, but Pacheco signed off on the rehirings.

26.   The Duval County policy prohibits any school censorship of the speech, making it a private statement.

27.   The expanded MarketWatch policy prohibits newsroom staffers from trading securities of companies they regularly cover.

28.   The major league drug policy prohibits disciplining first-time offenders.

29.   The policy also prohibits acts involving people with seriously declining mental faculties and acts that are nonconsensual.

30.   The policy prohibited federal money from being spent on the process that separated the stem cell from the embryo and destroyed the embryo.

n. + prohibit >>共 262
law 37.44%
rule 10.96%
regulation 3.81%
bill 3.77%
policy 2.04%
constitution 2.04%
state 1.82%
agreement 1.78%
legislation 1.73%
government 1.60%
policy + v. >>共 703
be 27.72%
have 3.20%
change 1.80%
require 1.75%
work 1.71%
help 1.61%
make 1.41%
allow 1.36%
remain 1.25%
cover 1.24%
prohibit 0.80%
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