21.   Lieutenant Flinn cannot plead ignorance of the rules.

22.   Lemaire pleaded ignorance as to how he planned to use his goaltenders.

23.   Maybe I can plead ignorance.

24.   Parcells, who pleaded ignorance of any Patriots-Jets negotiations, said he thought about staying with the Patriots and will miss his players.

25.   Somberly dressed in a gray suit, Scott pleaded ignorance of the criminal law.

26.   Some of the girls in the audience seemed incredulous when Patty pleaded ignorance about what could happen because of sex, something she and her parents had never discussed.

27.   Spokesmen for several of them pleaded ignorance about why their bosses had voted with the Democrats.

28.   Stewart also pleaded ignorance when asked about the Patriots defense, saying he never watches defenses when looking at other teams.

29.   The agency cannot plead ignorance.

30.   The Blue Jays will be hard-pressed to plead ignorance on this one.

v. + ignorance >>共 66
plead 20.92%
claim 11.22%
profess 6.12%
feign 3.57%
reveal 3.06%
confess 2.55%
blame 2.55%
show 2.55%
admit 2.04%
display 2.04%
plead + n. >>共 99
contest 45.89%
case 21.32%
ignorance 4.75%
innocence 4.06%
insanity 3.01%
poverty 2.67%
cause 1.62%
exhaustion 1.04%
circumstance 0.93%
self-defense 0.81%
每页显示:    共 41