21.   Wrap properly in plastic freezer wrap, bags or foil.

22.   The hijacker also had a plastic freezer bag, which police believed may have contained poison gas.

23.   The hijacker also had a plastic freezer bag, which he claimed contained poison gas.

a. + freezer >>共 73
plastic 16.43%
walk-in 7.14%
airtight 4.29%
large 3.57%
full 3.57%
small 2.86%
big 2.14%
home 2.14%
frost-free 2.14%
commercial 2.14%
plastic + n. >>共 1296
bag 17.24%
wrap 5.70%
sheeting 3.48%
container 3.05%
bottle 2.62%
bullet 2.33%
sheet 2.26%
cup 1.83%
chair 1.38%
box 0.98%
freezer 0.26%
每页显示:    共 23