21.   The presidential emergency board is scheduled to send its recommendations Monday to President Clinton, who will then release them to the company and the pilot union.

22.   Unlike the Teamsters, the pilot union is battling the company over traditional wage-and-benefit issues.

23.   Pilot unions and investigators have opposed the prosecution of pilots.

24.   Pilot unions and crash investigators traditionally oppose the prosecution of pilots in accidents that were not caused by gross negligence, such as flying while intoxicated.

25.   Pilot unions have criticized the Taiwanese prosecutors, who are conducting their own crash investigation, for holding the pilots so long.

26.   A statement by the two main pilot unions, carried by the Italian news agency ANSA, said representatives would sit down to talk Monday afternoon.

27.   Air France said it would study the measure, but three smaller pilot unions on Monday rejected the proposal, saying they would advise members not to collaborate.

28.   Air France said it would study the measure, but three smaller pilot unions on Monday rejected the proposal, saying they would advise members not to cooperate.

29.   Investigators and pilot unions traditionally oppose the prosecution of pilots in accidents that were not caused by gross negligence, such as flying while intoxicated.

30.   Snubbed by their own government, three Japanese pilot unions said Thursday they will take their complaints about close encounters with American warplanes directly to U.S. authorities.

a. + union >>共 630
monetary 23.07%
european 5.29%
civil 3.89%
new 2.88%
the 2.35%
local 2.25%
independent 1.81%
major 1.72%
political 1.52%
powerful 1.47%
pilot 0.85%
pilot + n. >>共 332
program 22.84%
project 14.66%
error 11.58%
training 4.71%
episode 4.27%
study 3.83%
scheme 2.33%
hole 1.89%
union 1.54%
test 0.97%
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