21.   The good health, the physical prowess that allowed for a career many consider worthy of the Hall of Fame, has been credited for helping Doby persevere.

22.   The incorrect corollary that often follows is that golf does not require physical prowess.

23.   The people of Borneo in southeast Asia believed tattoos held magical powers such as warding off disease or giving a person physical prowess.

24.   The physical prowess of two men.

25.   Then there are several untruths about the physical prowess of large snakes.

26.   They are admired for their marvelous physical prowess and envied for their good fortune.

27.   This is in part because fencing relies as much, if not more, on mental shrewdness as it does on physical prowess.

28.   Unlike tossing the caber or performing the clean and jerk, golf does not involve displays of physical prowess.

29.   What ballet and sports have in common is physical prowess, but the end to which that prowess is used is very different.

30.   Zeta-Jones not only looked like an ideally beautiful Spanish noblewoman, she exhibited the strong personality and physical prowess the role of Elena de la Vega required.

a. + prowess >>共 205
sexual 7.88%
athletic 7.06%
military 5.75%
physical 5.75%
technical 4.43%
technological 4.11%
fund-raising 3.94%
defensive 2.96%
marketing 2.13%
offensive 1.97%
physical + n. >>共 1139
evidence 4.39%
activity 3.47%
condition 3.38%
abuse 2.24%
contact 2.00%
problem 1.84%
presence 1.80%
fitness 1.72%
exam 1.59%
play 1.46%
prowess 0.38%
每页显示:    共 35