21.   Political reporters are irrelevant if presidential primary politics is simply a matter of fund-raising, photo ops and tracking polls.

22.   Plus Bush walks funny, in all those photo ops that seem to comprise much of his official day.

23.   Prison officials are cranking up the program Tuesday and offering photo ops for the media.

24.   Right now, that spine is made up of attack ads, photo ops and evening-news sound bites that have been reduced to a few seconds.

25.   Rather stilted photo ops, compared with what had preceded him.

26.   So many decisions, so many photo ops, so little time.

27.   So, visiting them means lots of views and vistas as well as photo ops and a unique cultural experience.

28.   So many photo ops.

29.   Since he declines interviews and photo ops, and provides no program notes at his shows, one can only guess.

30.   That leaves so little time for photo ops.

n. + ops >>共 3
photo 96.49%
basketball 1.75%
medium 1.75%
photo + n. >>共 345
album 9.17%
shoot 8.84%
session 6.38%
editor 4.26%
op 3.88%
identification 3.69%
client 2.88%
ops 2.60%
lab 2.41%
gallery 1.94%
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