21.   Some people cast ballots by the handful, both for themselves and for family members who had more urgent business.

22.   The poll monitoring group KIPP of Jakarta said some unregistered people cast ballots.

23.   The previous two votes have been invalidated because too few people cast ballots.

24.   Twelve votes were either blank or spoiled, and three people did not cast ballots.

25.   Voter identifications were not properly checked, ballots were found outside the polling stations, and many people were seen casting more than one vote, it said.

26.   Voting hours were subsequently extended in a bid to allow more people cast their ballot.

27.   He said people were casting doubts because of political differences and mistrust and stressed that all necessary steps would be taken to ensure fair, free and impartial elections.

28.   In the metro, a few people occasionally cast furtive glances under the seats and along the aisles, but many seemed determined not to give in to panic.

29.   The organizational problems were expected to dampen turnout on the islands, whose people habitually cast their ballots in the morning.

n. + cast >>共 670
voter 12.95%
official 2.01%
member 1.95%
people 1.82%
study 1.51%
report 1.07%
violence 0.88%
gore 0.69%
incident 0.69%
light 0.69%
people + v. >>共 719
be 13.89%
have 4.14%
die 3.56%
say 2.67%
think 2.15%
want 2.12%
get 1.42%
go 1.34%
come 1.33%
take 1.32%
cast 0.03%
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