21.   The county commission recently blocked the buyout, pending resolution of the lawsuit.

22.   Then the Navy held up release of the funds pending resolution of what officials described as an aerodynamic problem called wing drop.

23.   Additional funds totaling several hundred million dollars still are being held by the U.S. District Court pending the resolution of the other third-party claims.

24.   But the Egyptian government has imposed a travel ban pending resolution of the two shooting cases.

25.   Details have not been released, pending resolution of issues brought by union locals.

26.   If Swiss authorities grant that request, the provisional blocking would be replaced by a more permanent freeze, pending resolution of any legal disputes.

27.   Jagan was sworn in while opposition leader Desmond Hoyte was in court securing an order to stop her inauguration pending resolution of the fraud charges.

28.   Oxford University Press issued an edition last year but has withdrawn it, pending a resolution of the copyright issue.

29.   The peace talks, which appeared to be at a deadlock, are effectively on hold pending a resolution of the Iraq crisis.

30.   This was seen as a tacit approval for continued Western assistance to Yugoslavia pending a resolution of the outstanding problems.

v. + resolution >>共 404
pass 13.63%
adopt 9.77%
approve 7.99%
veto 4.15%
introduce 3.61%
support 2.78%
sponsor 1.83%
reach 1.75%
implement 1.73%
reject 1.65%
pend 0.90%
pend + n. >>共 262
investigation 11.52%
outcome 10.53%
appeal 8.50%
approval 6.23%
notification 5.96%
trial 5.09%
hearing 4.51%
result 3.26%
decision 3.20%
announcement 2.62%
resolution 1.02%
每页显示:    共 35