21.   Pro-independence Kosovo guerrillas stepped up their military and administrative presence in western Kosovo, but NATO peacekeepers said Tuesday that alliance forces were in full control of the region.

22.   A French officer in the NATO peacekeeping force in Kosovo was shot to death by a fellow French soldier, NATO peacekeepers said Friday.

23.   A large explosion rocked the neighborhood nearby, but British peacekeepers said it was from a controlled detonation of unexploded ordnance and had no connection to the fires.

24.   American peacekeepers imposed punitive measures on a Serb community in Kosovo where riots erupted last month, NATO-led peacekeepers said Saturday.

25.   And the peacekeepers said the soldiers targeted the spot where the gunfire aimed at them had originated.

26.   Bosnian Croat police have torched two villages in central Bosnia that are to be ceded to the Serbs under the Dayton peace agreement, a British peacekeeper said Wednesday.

27.   British peacekeepers said they were investigating the cause of the blast.

28.   But peacekeepers say Serb community leaders tell them there are no formal celebrations planned for Monday.

29.   But peacekeepers Sunday said the use of government troops would violate the latest peace accord, which gives responsibility for security throughout Liberia to the peacekeeping forces.

30.   But peacekeepers there said there was no fighting.

n. + say >>共 480
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government 1.60%
peacekeeper 0.02%
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