21.   Assad suggested that a peace deal would not be possible without a full Israeli withdrawal from the Golan Heights.

22.   Bad news for the peace deal, still not put into law by the parliament.

23.   Barak discussed the funding of a possible peace deal with Syria in his meetings with Clinton last month, sources said.

24.   Barak had put his support behind Peres for president, hoping he would help him shore up national courage to clinch a peace deal.

25.   Barak now needs a peace deal to give him a fresh mandate.

26.   Barak has promised to put any peace deal before the people in a public referendum.

27.   Barak is counting on him to come up with some big money from Congress to grease any peace deal.

28.   Barak, speaking to the international press corps and then to a Jerusalem rally, said a peace deal with the Palestinians was taking shape.

29.   Bosnia will want to see whether Clinton is prepared to go ahead and authorize a new force to police the Dayton peace deal.

30.   Bosnian officials said the issue of American military support for the Bosnian army after any peace deal had become critical.

n. + deal >>共 498
peace 17.40%
business 4.33%
trade 3.84%
one-year 2.33%
book 2.20%
budget 2.19%
three-year 1.89%
arm 1.87%
two-year 1.73%
land 1.62%
peace + n. >>共 152
process 21.79%
talk 20.97%
agreement 8.83%
accord 7.96%
plan 5.27%
treaty 4.34%
negotiation 4.26%
deal 3.88%
effort 3.46%
force 2.21%
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