21.   If the House and Senate passed competing versions, it would be left to a conference committee of both chambers to iron out the differences.

22.   If the Senate passes its version, it would probably seek a conference with the House to resolve differences.

23.   If committee votes are any indication, both the House and Senate will pass their versions of the bill, and will have to reconcile them later.

24.   If the full Senate passes its version, any differences with the House bill will be hashed out in a conference committee.

25.   In June, the senate passed its version of the bill.

26.   It is likely that the House will pass some version of the legislation.

27.   Last year, a block grant bill for the jobs programs died in conference committee, even though the House and Senate overwhelmingly passed separate versions.

28.   Last July, for example, the House of Representatives passed a version of the law with almost no Democratic support.

29.   Last week, in two historic votes, the House and Senate each passed versions of a long-term budget plan aimed at balancing the federal books in seven years.

30.   Neither the House nor the Senate could muster the two-thirds majority to override a veto when they passed an earlier version of the emergency spending bill.

v. + version >>共 493
pass 5.40%
offer 4.78%
have 3.29%
approve 2.60%
release 2.56%
use 2.53%
develop 2.49%
give 2.33%
produce 2.26%
introduce 2.14%
pass + n. >>共 635
law 12.48%
bill 11.10%
legislation 8.68%
resolution 4.22%
test 3.70%
measure 3.21%
muster 2.23%
ball 1.88%
budget 1.40%
judgment 1.31%
version 1.13%
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