21.   Few, however, believe that outside parties would support such a move.

22.   He scoffed that many Democratic senators had come to him in recent weeks, worried that the bill their party supported would actually become law.

23.   Longtime California Republican strategist Stu Spencer circulated a memo last fall trying to get his party to support San Mateo County Supervisor Ruben Barrales for state treasurer.

24.   Most soft money could only be used indirectly, advocating positions that the party supports and criticizing policies of the opposition.

25.   Most opposition parties also support negotiations with the rebels.

26.   No party supports it.

27.   Nor is it certain that even if the Democrats win, the party will support her for majority whip.

28.   On Sunday, in saying the party would support any presidential nominee fitting the Washington mold, from whichever party, he named no names.

29.   On the minimum wage, Lazio tried to find legislation both parties could support.

30.   Republicans said a commission would be an effective way of sifting through the many proposals on the table and working toward a consensus that both parties could support.

n. + support >>共 1229
government 5.09%
administration 3.20%
group 2.78%
party 2.75%
majority 2.08%
country 2.02%
evidence 1.76%
people 1.55%
voter 1.53%
member 1.49%
party + v. >>共 674
be 12.11%
have 4.95%
say 3.54%
agree 2.90%
win 2.21%
want 1.40%
take 1.33%
hold 1.23%
call 1.16%
make 1.02%
support 0.81%
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