21.   But her Yugoslav United Left party formally shares power with the Socialists.

22.   Jiang hoped the visit would promote healthier and stable ties and said that the parties should share important experiences in reforming their economies, CCTV said.

23.   Kimani Wanyoike, chairman of the FORD-People party, bristled at the suggestion that smaller parties should share a seat.

24.   Mainstream Basque nationalist parties share its desire for an independent nation but say they oppose violence as the way to achieve the goal.

25.   Mainstream Basque political parties share its desire for an independent nation but say they oppose violence as the way to achieve the goal.

26.   Parties share control of government.

27.   Seven smaller parties shared the remainder.

28.   Several thousand Austrians rallied against their government in major cities Friday, urging the world not to condemn the whole country because Haider party shares power.

29.   Talabani had suggested that the two parties share political power.

30.   The party shares power with the Shiv Sena in the western state of Maharashtra.

n. + share >>共 1039
company 3.67%
country 3.47%
people 3.00%
two 2.97%
man 2.43%
team 1.68%
member 1.60%
family 1.50%
nation 1.29%
party 1.27%
party + v. >>共 674
be 12.11%
have 4.95%
say 3.54%
agree 2.90%
win 2.21%
want 1.40%
take 1.33%
hold 1.23%
call 1.16%
make 1.02%
share 0.23%
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