21.   All the participants have their own reasons for maintaining the charade.

22.   But if prices begin to rise instead of fall, these participants have to cover their positions by repurchasing the securities to limit their losses.

23.   But if prices begin to rise instead of fall, these participants have to buy back securities to limit their losses.

24.   But program participants had to guard their gardens at night to keep thieves from stealing their food.

25.   But while the press went home happy, it appeared the participants had a little heartburn.

26.   But when prices begin to rise instead of fall, these participants have to cover their short positions by buying back the securities to limit their losses.

27.   Conference participants had front-row seats at an audience with the pope, and the pontiff was expected to meet some of the conference leaders.

28.   Conference participants will have to appoint officials whose job is to monitor and enforce national progress on combating racism.

29.   During their two-year commitment, program participants have the option of working toward their permanent licenses.

30.   Each participant has six balls per round to roll closest to a target ball.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
government 1.92%
team 1.89%
people 1.78%
country 1.14%
state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
woman 0.87%
participant 0.07%
participant + v. >>共 635
say 13.15%
be 12.31%
include 5.95%
have 3.89%
agree 2.71%
take 1.89%
receive 1.34%
discuss 1.34%
expect 1.26%
come 0.97%
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