21.   It was killed on a parliamentary maneuver by Sen. Eddie Lucio, a Brownsville Democrat with close ties to the liquor industry.

22.   It would explain why House lawmakers seemed to be serious Monday when they used an obscure parliamentary maneuver to vote down a bill limiting gifts from lobbyists.

23.   Lott used parliamentary maneuvers to prevent the introduction of other amendments after his motion to kill the McCain-Feingold bill was defeated.

24.   Now he is trying to undo that vote through parliamentary maneuvers.

25.   Outraged Republicans fenced with Democrats over parliamentary maneuvers aimed at settling the issue.

26.   Republicans retaliated by using parliamentary maneuvers to fend off the immigration provisions, which further stalled any compromise.

27.   So the Democratic leadership in both the House and Senate are engaged in a kind of guerrilla struggle using arcane parliamentary maneuvers to bring the issue to a vote.

28.   Short of that, there are other parliamentary maneuvers available to the leaders that require only a simple majority.

29.   So he invoked a parliamentary maneuver to block Democrats from offering amendments.

30.   That prompted senators from both parties who backed the bill to claim Lott was using parliamentary maneuvers to subvert the will of the majority.

a. + maneuver >>共 406
military 14.20%
joint 7.20%
legal 4.57%
naval 3.67%
political 3.19%
parliamentary 3.05%
such 1.39%
chinese 1.39%
procedural 1.32%
difficult 1.25%
parliamentary + n. >>共 557
election 22.27%
committee 5.27%
majority 4.49%
session 3.43%
immunity 3.40%
speaker 3.36%
seat 3.33%
approval 3.26%
debate 3.07%
commission 2.52%
maneuver 0.48%
每页显示:    共 44