21.   Young South Africans for Life, a Catholic group that opposes abortion, said it presented the petition to papal nuncio Archbishop Ambrose de Paoli on Thursday.

22.   He said Pietro Sambi, one of the secretaries of the papal nuncio in Israel, had told him by telephone that Father Amateis was alive.

23.   A Holy See communique said the PLO would open an office here while the papal nuncio in Tunis would be tasked with establishing contacts with Palestinian leaders.

24.   A Holy See communique said the Palestine Liberation Organization would open an office here while the papal nuncio in Tunis would be tasked with establishing contacts with Palestinian leaders.

25.   The pontiff was welcomed on arrival by the papal nuncio in Poland, Monsignor Jozef Kowalczyk and the local bishop, Monsignor Tadeusz Rakoczy.

26.   The Roman Catholic Church was represented by the papal nuncio and Archbishop Alberto Giraldo, an influential Colombian cleric.

27.   The Vatican has responded to critics by saying papal nuncios have a double role, as both ambassadors and papal representatives at the local church.

28.   It did the same for Bosnia, and sent a papal nuncio there.

29.   LeMoyne, Archbishop Alberto Giraldo, and papal nuncio Beniamino Stella were also at the meeting.

30.   Meanwhile, the leader of the Bosnian Serbs, Radovan Karadizc, met in Pale with papal nuncio Francesco Monterisi, the SRNA news agency reported.

a. + nuncio >>共 5
papal 77.08%
apostolic 16.67%
first 2.08%
former 2.08%
new 2.08%
papal + n. >>共 273
visit 26.07%
trip 4.94%
spokesman 3.68%
nuncio 3.59%
envoy 2.62%
cross 2.33%
authority 2.03%
audience 1.84%
event 1.36%
infallibility 1.36%
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