21.   Her family and the community had spent three days in preparation, stringing up palm fronds, multi-colored balloons and bunting to make her welcome more festive.

22.   His father left Guangdong to trade in medicinal herbs and fans woven from palm fronds.

23.   It contains breasts, probably representing fertility, as well as pictures of puff adders capturing frogs, birds, elephants and palm fronds.

24.   Knock me over with a palm frond.

25.   Marley looks down from photos on a living room wall as reggae sways listeners like the palm fronds overhead.

26.   Ms. Wang offered gauze or tulle dresses decorated with beads in the shape of palm fronds.

27.   Old clay pits containing imprints of palm fronds and dinosaur fossils.

28.   Now and then, the palm fronds gently rattled, like castanets.

29.   One bowl-shaped example is made of woven palm fronds, as if to supply the ladies who lunch with a touch of colonial glory.

30.   One gnawed on a palm frond.

n. + frond >>共 15
palm 77.31%
fennel 5.88%
fern 4.20%
banana 2.52%
shield 1.68%
bottom 0.84%
bracken 0.84%
cedar 0.84%
coconut 0.84%
dill 0.84%
palm + n. >>共 111
tree 57.19%
frond 10.50%
leaf 3.31%
print 3.20%
branch 2.40%
grove 1.83%
reader 1.37%
olein 1.03%
computer 1.03%
rest 1.03%
每页显示:    共 92