21.   They include an immediate end to hostilities and withdrawal of armed forces from the province as well as acceptance of international force to oversee the compliance with the conditions.

22.   Boutros-Ghali said he had instructed the UN force to assist the monititoring group, which will oversee compliance with the accord.

v. + compliance >>共 124
monitor 14.25%
ensure 11.59%
verify 7.12%
force 7.12%
enforce 3.63%
oversee 3.07%
certify 2.37%
encourage 2.37%
assess 2.23%
demand 2.23%
oversee + n. >>共 901
operation 4.74%
election 3.17%
implementation 2.45%
project 1.98%
investigation 1.93%
program 1.77%
effort 1.53%
work 1.37%
case 1.35%
development 1.35%
compliance 0.49%
每页显示:    共 22