21.   Grove said that blocking states from collecting sales taxes on online purchases would amount to giving electronic merchants an unfair subsidy.

22.   Meanwhile, China.com of Hong Kong, another Internet service, is mulling a cash-on-delivery plan for online purchases.

23.   Most online purchases come in the form of licenses.

24.   Online purchases, for example, still would need an Internet connection.

25.   Or, if an online purchase is not what you wanted, just swap it at the shop you pass every day.

26.   Online shopping purchases are edging closer to normal levels after a rough period, according to the comScore Networks research company.

27.   Other groups pleased with the prospect of a Hollings chairmanship are those who want Congress to lay the groundwork to let states to collect sales taxes on online purchases.

28.   Right now, consumers are supposd to be reporting their sales tax obligations on many of their catalog and online purchases.

29.   Sites like Amazon.com, Sundance.com, etc., allow online purchases.

30.   Shoppers could choose to pick up shipments and return online purchases at the retail stores.

a. + purchase >>共 561
stock 4.77%
major 3.67%
new 3.41%
home 2.68%
recent 2.61%
large 2.50%
big 2.39%
first 2.39%
possible 2.20%
online 2.09%
online + n. >>共 1289
service 10.02%
retailer 3.07%
auction 2.53%
music 2.15%
site 1.55%
store 1.52%
business 1.46%
company 1.46%
brokerage 1.43%
sale 1.23%
purchase 0.61%
每页显示:    共 57