21.   European Union officials have threatened to cancel the meeting unless all prisoners are released.

22.   FAA officials this winter threatened to block America West from adding planes until it improved its maintenance record, but later backed off.

23.   For their part, U.S. Department of Agriculture officials threaten to intervene.

24.   Government officials have long threatened to arrest the leaders of the strikes, which were called to protest new legislation that makes it easier for companies to dismiss workers.

25.   Government officials threatened to remove reporters found there forcibly and to strip them of their press credentials.

26.   Hewlett alleged that HP officials threatened to pull future business from Deutsche Bank if it did not switch its position on the deal and support it.

27.   If the proposal become law, American officials have threatened to retaliate by imposing tariffs on goods including steel, lumber, plastics, pharmaceuticals, textiles and clothing.

28.   Immigration officials had threatened to deport the babies by the end of this month after they arrived at Heathrow Airport with millionaire businessmen Barrie Drewitt and Tony Barlow.

29.   In May, Colorado officials threatened to shut the center unless immediate action was taken.

30.   In particular, Latino officials threatened to sue to reshape the Los Angeles district held by Rep. Howard L. Berman, a Democrat.

n. + threaten >>共 1571
group 3.42%
government 2.46%
official 2.39%
leader 2.31%
rebel 2.08%
union 1.76%
party 1.26%
police 1.24%
man 1.11%
administration 1.08%
official + v. >>共 435
say 47.50%
be 4.69%
decline 1.52%
deny 1.31%
tell 1.13%
have 1.07%
refuse 1.01%
confirm 0.91%
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threaten 0.10%
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