21.   But health care observers note that Blue Cross is walking away from business that others might find profitable.

22.   But now some observers are noting psychological and political problems with the message itself.

23.   But observers have noted that the assessment served the purpose of a fine.

24.   But observers note that while the FTC settled with FutureNet, the California Public Utilities Commission is still conducting its own investigation.

25.   But one observer noted that Quayle still has not acquired the oratorical skills of a serious presidential contender.

26.   But some observers note that the bloodletting has given way to a sober examination of the positive aspects of the run-up.

27.   But some observers note that the longer Bulger delays resigning, the less pressure there is to hold a special election to fill his Senate seat.

28.   Charles was relaxed and much more casual than usual in his contacts with reporters, observers noted.

29.   Despite their protests about pervasive media coverage, neither side has asked the court for a gag order, some observers noted.

30.   Each fall, the observers noted the dates when leaves turned color and fell from trees.

n. + note >>共 840
report 8.63%
official 8.23%
analyst 7.11%
observer 3.61%
expert 2.81%
critic 2.19%
researcher 1.79%
judge 1.34%
study 1.32%
statement 1.26%
observer + v. >>共 451
say 34.65%
believe 6.43%
be 6.16%
expect 3.51%
note 2.66%
think 2.45%
see 2.42%
agree 2.23%
predict 1.83%
report 1.70%
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