21.   The plant reprocesses nuclear waste.

22.   The regulations surrounding the handling of nuclear waste are very strict.

23.   The ultimate question, however, was what would happen to the steadily accumulating stockpiles of nuclear waste in the long term.

24.   They forwarded a list of proposals for the safe disposal of nuclear waste.

25.   This has been seriously assessed as a way of disposing of nuclear waste, but not toxic waste.

26.   ...the safest means of disposing of nuclear waste.

27.   Signatories agreed to co-operate in protecting the environment of the eastern Baltic Sea, especially as regards rubbish disposal and storage of nuclear waste.

28.   She was considered to be an expert on the disposal of nuclear waste.

29.   Congress Neil I raised the subject last year about nuclear waste and what was the position as far as Rossythe was concerned.

30.   The ban was initially opposed by the USA, France, the Soviet Union and Britain, who wanted to keep open their option of dumping nuclear waste.

a. + waste >>共 402
nuclear 23.00%
radioactive 11.47%
toxic 11.12%
human 3.70%
industrial 3.54%
solid 2.50%
low-level 1.96%
high-level 1.77%
animal 1.71%
liquid 1.42%
nuclear + n. >>共 455
test 12.07%
plant 5.46%
waste 3.91%
arm 3.72%
program 3.53%
material 3.17%
arsenal 3.16%
bomb 3.05%
warhead 2.63%
fuel 2.42%
每页显示:    共 724