21.   I spend all my time with her, noticing things about her.

22.   I look at how people react to the forms of architecture and have noticed certain things.

23.   In such a place, important things are noticed.

24.   It is a vain hope, mostly, because children notice things, and even in the daylight hours a few of the haggard women are plying their trade.

25.   Lately they have noticed things like soup and salad and well-formed pasta, and they have decided to educate everyone else.

26.   Not everyone notices these things.

27.   Other kids notice these things.

28.   Out in the middle of the bay, I notice things you cannot know on land.

29.   Players across the league have noticed these things.

30.   The feeling is that diners notice these things during their rest stops.

v. + thing >>共 753
do 21.74%
have 5.71%
say 4.61%
see 3.66%
change 1.80%
take 1.72%
know 1.58%
get 1.52%
keep 1.35%
learn 1.26%
notice 0.23%
notice + n. >>共 1018
difference 8.89%
change 7.38%
problem 2.08%
man 1.85%
thing 1.44%
increase 1.32%
sign 1.32%
woman 1.14%
improvement 0.95%
trend 0.95%
每页显示:    共 38