21.   The most notable absentees will be forward Alessandro Del Piero, midfielder Demetrio Albertini, striker Marco Simone and goalkeeper Angelo Peruzzi.

22.   The only other notable absentee was Anna Kournikova, who was not named to the Russian team.

23.   Tomas Kaberle was the most notable absentee as the Toronto Maple Leafs prepared to fly their players to Newfoundland for training camp Tuesday.

24.   Havelange was one of two notable absentees from the General Association of International Sports Federations.

25.   However, four years on from the signing, there are some notable absentees.

26.   Incoming premier Hasan Muratovic revealed a revamped six-man cabinet Tuesday with a senior Croat named vice-premier, and foreign minister Muhamed Sacirbey a notable absentee.

27.   A notable absentee is aspiring Russian presidential candidate General Alexander Lebed, who announced Wednesday he would not attend.

28.   A notable absentee will be Chantal Thomass, who was sacked this summer by the majority Japanese shareholders of her lingerie-led house.

29.   A notable absentee at the meeting will be Rwanda, one of the countries worst hit by the AIDS virus HIV.

30.   But PLO chairman Yasser Arafat will be a notable absentee from the Herzl military cemetery in Jerusalem.

a. + absentee >>共 36
notable 35.59%
only 9.32%
prominent 6.78%
key 5.93%
conspicuous 5.08%
major 2.54%
noticeable 2.54%
other 2.54%
the 2.54%
definite 1.69%
notable + n. >>共 546
exception 17.49%
success 3.43%
absentee 2.72%
example 2.33%
feature 1.94%
difference 1.81%
absence 1.75%
achievement 1.68%
change 1.55%
player 1.30%
每页显示:    共 42