21.   Former president Carter, whose nonprofit foundation helps small farmers in Africa, was especially pleased at the Round Up-resistant soy and cotton.

22.   He quickly created a nonprofit foundation to raise funds to preserve and restore the building as a library and cultural center.

23.   He tackled the phones, mastered new software and bought supplies at the Social Science Research Council, a nonprofit foundation where he worked in New York.

24.   He is resigning from active management to form a nonprofit foundation dedicated to preserving the Northwest environment.

25.   Hempel suggests the conservancy seek nonprofit foundation grants so it can host college students for leadership seminars and university professors to give special lectures.

26.   I have started a nonprofit foundation, and I am currently working at the United Way.

27.   In some states, officials responded by allowing them to privatize but forcing them to finance nonprofit foundations, a route Empire Blue Cross is now trying to take.

28.   Kormendi an international corporate lawyer, looked after fund-raising for the nonprofit foundation.

29.   Lawmakers alleged that he allowed insurance companies to make contributions to nonprofit foundations that he founded rather than pay larger fines.

30.   Morgado will also ante up several million dollars to start a nonprofit foundation to aid children with disabilities.

a. + foundation >>共 513
private 8.54%
charitable 6.86%
solid 4.64%
new 4.25%
nonprofit 3.60%
concrete 2.96%
very 2.52%
strong 2.42%
family 2.07%
legal 1.68%
nonprofit + n. >>共 283
organization 28.49%
group 24.30%
agency 4.79%
corporation 2.84%
foundation 2.59%
company 2.09%
institution 1.95%
research 1.81%
theater 1.77%
hospital 1.63%
每页显示:    共 73