21.   For a time, the alliance prompted an ETA cease-fire, but when negotiations failed to produce results, the killings began again.

22.   He said the negotiations had failed because the ACTU had put roadblocks in the way of a resolution.

23.   I tried to tell him that if he bottomed his negotiation with Syria on being able to deliver American troops to the Golan, the negotiation would fail.

24.   Idei said his company will try to join another satellite TV venture if negotiations with JSkyB fail.

25.   If negotiations fail to produce a settlement, the cases could go to trial before a tax court judge.

26.   If negotiations fail, it will be the first time an entire sports major league season has been canceled.

27.   International negotiations failed when the Serbian-led Yugoslav government refused to agree to a settlement accepted by the KLA, leading to the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.

28.   International negotiations failed when the Serb-led Yugoslav government refused to agree to a settlement accepted by the KLA, leading to the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.

29.   Japanese business newspaper Nihon Keizai cited Idei as saying Sony will try to join another satellite TV venture if negotiations with Softbank and News Corp. fail.

30.   Medrano was a masterful negotiator, but if negotiations failed or if there were those who refused to reason in good faith, he was always prepared to march.

n. + fail >>共 1238
government 3.63%
effort 2.93%
talk 2.65%
company 2.31%
system 1.41%
official 1.36%
attempt 1.35%
negotiation 1.27%
team 1.20%
side 1.15%
negotiation + v. >>共 323
be 26.25%
continue 9.08%
begin 6.92%
resume 6.38%
take 4.14%
fail 3.66%
go 3.12%
break_down 2.47%
stall 1.54%
start 1.49%
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