21.   EU nations routinely share information on disease outbreaks, but readily admit a lot more needs to be done together to deal with the threat of a bioterrorist attack.

22.   Eventually nations will share their judgments of inventions to certify that the ideas are really new, he said.

23.   He said other nations share a responsibility to work with the U.S.-led coalition.

24.   However, Malaysia objects to their presence on the ground that the two Pacific nations do not share the so-called Asian values.

25.   It is also necessary to convince the public that the whole nation would share the burden of structural adjustments in the economy in a fair and just manner.

26.   Kwasniewski said other western nations shared the U.S. position on incorporating Poland into the military bloc.

27.   Leaders also are scrambling to address charges that rich countries have done little to make sure that poorer nations share the benefits of globalization.

28.   Many nations share that view.

29.   Recently, Japan and South Korea have been working together more on regional security, especially because the two nations share fears about North Korea.

30.   Rice said the United States will always support Israel because the two nations share a commitment to life.

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