21.   Senate Republicans and the House Republican managers have narrowed their differences on the quesioning of witnesses after senators warned the prosecutors to keep their witness list short.

22.   Shortly before the tentative deal was announced, an official close to the negotiations said that the two sides had considerably narrowed their differences.

23.   Stable U.S. rates make Canadian fixed-income investments more attractive because they narrow the difference between what the securities pay.

24.   Still, both sides reported they were making some headway in narrowing their differences during the latest round of talks, which began on Friday.

25.   That is about twice as much as for dial-up service, although the added cost of a second phone line narrows the difference considerably.

26.   The change will narrow the difference between an A-minus and a B-plus, which the faculty hopes will make a B more palatable.

27.   The company and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters had been narrowing their differences since the president pressed them to redouble their efforts to reach a contract.

28.   The company and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters had been narrowing their differences since President Clinton pressed them to redouble their efforts to reach a contract.

29.   The diplomat, Stuart Eizenstat, the undersecretary of state for economic affairs, told the Swiss president that the two sides were narrowing their differences.

30.   The demand helped narrow the differences in yields, or yield spreads, between the securities and U.S. Treasury bonds in the past month, traders said.

v. + difference >>共 574
make 29.32%
resolve 7.08%
settle 3.38%
have 3.31%
see 2.52%
notice 2.44%
know 2.43%
tell 1.92%
find 1.66%
narrow 1.62%
narrow + n. >>共 228
gap 18.02%
difference 10.98%
choice 5.84%
search 5.77%
list 5.56%
field 5.35%
focus 3.80%
eye 3.66%
scope 3.17%
spread 2.67%
每页显示:    共 155