21.   UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali named Pakistani diplomat Mohammad Shahryar Khan as special UN envoy to Rwanda, a Security Council letter obtained Monday said.

22.   UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has named French diplomat Bernard Miyet as head of peacekeeping operations, the French foreign ministry said Tuesday.

23.   UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali named Ghanaian diplomat Victor Gbeho as special UN envoy to Somalia, a Security Council letter obtained Monday said.

24.   Yonhap did not identify its sources, nor did it name the diplomat.

25.   ZIANA did not name the diplomat.

26.   President Bill Clinton Thursday named career diplomat Genta Hawkins Holmes as ambassador to Australia.

27.   The Financial Gazette named the diplomat as Jang Myong Sik, a counsellor at the North Korean embassy in Zambia.

v. + diplomat >>共 260
say 21.47%
expel 5.75%
include 4.09%
quote 3.12%
kill 2.91%
send 2.15%
identify 2.08%
recall 1.94%
name 1.87%
shoot 1.66%
name + n. >>共 1542
name 3.04%
successor 3.01%
company 2.92%
replacement 2.85%
country 2.29%
suspect 1.81%
man 1.65%
team 1.54%
player 1.32%
woman 1.03%
diplomat 0.34%
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