21.   Albanians on Tuesday awaited the arrival of foreign warships and troops to mark the official start of a multinational effort to safeguard relief deliveries in their lawless land.

22.   Nevertheless, South African President Nelson Mandela said significant progress would emerge in the coming weeks from multinational efforts to end the conflict.

23.   South African President Nelson Mandela said early Tuesday significant progress would emerge in the coming weeks from multinational efforts to end the conflict.

24.   The general hailed the multinational effort as a positive use of military force.

a. + effort >>共 805
diplomatic 4.27%
international 3.51%
concerted 1.94%
joint 1.85%
new 1.71%
lobbying 1.34%
best 1.26%
marketing 1.21%
similar 1.18%
fund-raising 1.06%
multinational 0.11%
multinational + n. >>共 276
force 36.94%
company 15.56%
corporation 11.84%
security 2.14%
firm 2.07%
peace 1.43%
intervention 1.20%
mission 1.16%
coalition 0.90%
effort 0.90%
每页显示:    共 24