21.   The KNU is the only major ethnic insurgency which has not reached a ceasefire agreement with Rangoon, saying such a move would amount to surrender.

22.   The move would amount to a startling U-turn, as Byers has consistently vowed that no public money would be used to compensate Railtrack shareholders.

n. + amount >>共 512
action 2.31%
move 2.11%
statement 1.63%
change 1.63%
plan 1.44%
loss 1.34%
agreement 1.25%
decision 1.06%
law 1.06%
deal 1.06%
move + v. >>共 446
be 27.02%
come 9.70%
follow 3.50%
help 2.13%
make 2.09%
have 1.66%
allow 1.47%
give 1.37%
appear 1.31%
mean 1.29%
amount 0.19%
每页显示:    共 22